Friday, October 20, 2006

Apparently the Edgar and Ellen Halloween special has aired and so I am guessing I can post yet another design. This is their greenhouse. It has a nice feel to it. I think if I had to do it over I would make it even more overgrown. The color version, which I couldn't find to post, is beautiful! It was colored by the fantastically talented Didier Arpin. In the episode I think it really steals the show. He's just made it look that nice.


Andy said...

These layouts are bloody great. Does alot of the line detail get carried over to the finished product?

Ridd Sorensen said...

Wow these all look really good Byron. Nice work!

Byron Leboe said...

Thanks for the compliments! The final BG is cleaned up in Flash, so it does lose the nice feel that a pencil sketch has. Though I must say that the final colored version, by Didier Arpin, is amazing.